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One of the great benefits of joining the International Netsuke Society is the quarterly journal which the society publishes. Articles are written by various collectors, scholars and dealers of netsuke. Published with high quality papers, the journal is handsome as well as being extremely informative and educational. Not a Member? Join Today to read all of the journals online!
Spring 2007, Volume 27, No.1 - International Netsuke Society Journal
Volume 27, No.1
Summer 2007, Volume 27, No.2 - International Netsuke Society Journal
Volume 27, No.2
Fall 2007, Volume 27, No.3 - International Netsuke Society Journal
Volume 27, No.3
Winter 2007, Volume 27, No.4 - International Netsuke Society Journal
Volume 27, No.4

Spring 2007

Volume 27, Number 1
INS Journal Spring 2007 Issue - Volume 27, Number 1
  • President's Letter
  • Chapters
  • Letters
  • Q&A by Yukari Yoshida and Joseph Kurstin
  • Tenmin School of Kagamibuta Makers by Dieuwke Eijer
  • Anabori (Cavern) and Interior Carving by Ikuko Kimura, Ph.D.
  • Ariwara no Narihira: A Famous Poet and Beau by Karl M. Schwarz
  • Auctions, NY by Stanley Wertheim
  • Asia Art Week, London by Douglas J. K. Wright
  • JINCS Index
  • On the Continent by Gabor Wilhelm
  • The Armchair Collector: The Big Win by Richard Hieronymus
  • Of Pox Demons and Man-Eating Monsters by Alexander L. Bieri
  • Calendar

Cover: Musk cat with peacock's feather. Three-case inro, signed Jutokusai Tachibana Hogyoku with kao. No. 86 in The Peacock's Feather: Gentlemen's Jewelry of Old Japan, a catalog of an exhibit at the Morikami Museum in conjunction with the International Netsuke Society Convention, 2007, Miami. (To order, see page 60, this issue.)

INS Journal Spring 2007 Issue - Volume 27, Number 1 Members click here to read online

Summer 2007

Volume 27, Number 2
INS Journal Summer 2007 Issue - Volume 27, Number 2
  • President's Letter
  • Letters
  • Chapters
  • Questions & Answers by Yukari Yoshida and Joseph Kurstin
  • Black Beauty by Guenther Heckmann
  • Auctions
  • Sosen: Kyoto Netsukeshi? by Christopher Beamer
  • From the Outside Looking In: The Importance of Being Earnest by Michael J. Strone
  • Miami Convention: A Week to Remember
    General Members Meeting
  • Affiliation between Japanese Netsuke and Carl FabergĂ©'s Works by Tatiana Nikolova
  • Facts and Speculations about the Carp Part 1: Carp as Food by Dr. Suzy Van Laere-Fischer
  • Toun Shishido by Hollis K. Kinsey
  • Book Review: Tiny Titans
  • The Peacock's Feather: Gentlemen's Jewelry of Old Japan order form
  • Memoriam: Karl Schwarz

Cover: Inro by Shibata Zeshin, signed with inscription "Finished at the age of 81 years." (See p. 26)

INS Journal Summer 2007 Issue - Volume 27, Number 2 Members click here to read online

Fall 2007

Volume 27, Number 3
INS Journal Fall 2007 Issue - Volume 27, Number 3
  • President's Letter
  • Chapters
  • Letters
  • Questions & Answers by Yukari Yoshida & Joseph Kurstin
  • New Japanese Art Department at Bonhams by Neil K. Davey
  • Hokusai for Foreigners by Else & Heinz Kress
  • Transformations and Bewitching Apparitions by Rosemary Bandini
  • From the Outside Looking In: Whose Art Is It Anyway? by Michael J. Strone
  • Sansukumi by Kazuko Nakanishi Ficara
  • Facts and Speculations about the Carp Part 2: The Carp That Was Not Eaten by Dr. Suzy Van Laere-Fischer
  • On the Continent by Gabor Wilhelm
  • Auctions by Douglas J. K. Wright
  • Netsuke Basics from A to Z by Christine Drosse
  • The Armchair Collector: Kirin: Ace High in the Netsuke Deck! by Richard Hieronymus
  • In Memoriam

Cover: A mikoshi nyudo. Ivory, unsigned, 18th C. Collection of Gabor Wilhelm. (See p. 25)

INS Journal Fall 2007 Issue - Volume 27, Number 3 Members click here to read online

Winter 2007

Volume 27, Number 4
INS Journal Winter 2007 Issue - Volume 27, Number 4
  • President's Letter
  • Chapters
  • Letters
  • Questions & Answers by Yukari Yoshida and Joseph Kurstin
  • Narwhal: The Legends, the Facts, the Netsuke (and Some Sagemono) by Robert Fleischel
  • From the Outside Looking In: A Strange and Beautiful Obsession by Michael J. Strone
  • Shunga for Beginners by Else and Heinz Kress
  • The Question of Condition by Stanley Wertheim
  • Hot on the Trail by Alain Ducros
  • Facts and Speculations about the Carp Part 3: The Carp Is More Than Food by Dr. Suzy Van Laere-Fischer
  • Auctions by Ed McNiff
  • On the Continent by Gabor Wilhelm
  • Luck and Longevity: An Interview with Ted Wrangham by Rosemary Bandini
  • Netsuke Basics from A to Z by Christine Drosse
  • Book Review: Kiho Takagi: Masterpieces of Netsuke and Ojime
  • In Memoriam

Cover: Large model of a boar on a rocky crag. (see page 17)

INS Journal Winter 2007 Issue - Volume 27, Number 4 Members click here to read online

The International Netsuke Society is vehemently opposed to the trafficking, trade or commerce of illegal ivory, horn or any other illegal material. We support and comply with all international laws and regulations, including but not limited to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), the Endangered Species Act, and the African Elephant Conservation Act.