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One of the great benefits of joining the International Netsuke Society is the quarterly journal which the society publishes. Articles are written by various collectors, scholars and dealers of netsuke. Published with high quality papers, the journal is handsome as well as being extremely informative and educational. Not a Member? Join Today to read all of the journals online!
Spring 2023, Volume 43, No.1 - International Netsuke Society Journal
Volume 43, No.1
Summer 2023, Volume 43, No.2 - International Netsuke Society Journal
Volume 43, No.2
Fall 2023, Volume 43, No.3 - International Netsuke Society Journal
Volume 43, No.3
Winter 2023, Volume 43, No.4 - International Netsuke Society Journal
Volume 43, No.4

Spring 2023 Issue

Volume 43, Number 1

Members click here to read online

  • Three in the Morning
    Christopher Beamer
  • The Armchair Collector: Kaosho Rochishin
    Richard Hieronymus
  • The Youngest Collector: Lessons From My Grandfather
    Robin Groeneveldt
  • Ramblings of a Retired Auctioneer: Changing the Game Neil Davey
  • Bridging Traditions, Bridging Oceans: The Netsuke of Nick Lamb Robyn G. Peterson
  • Auctions
    Joseph & Elena Kurstin Collection Max Rutherston
  • Tsugaru-nuri: A 20th Century Revival
    of Ancient Japanese Sword-Scabbard Lacquer Techniques
    Else and Heinz Kress

Kaosho Rochishin, ivory, with inscription Kaosho. See p. 8

Summer 2023 Issue

Volume 43, Number 2

Members click here to read online

  • Early Netsuke Collectors, Part II
    Giovanni Rimondi
  • Year of the Usagi
    David Butsumyo
  • Ramblings of a Retired Auctioneer:
    Happy Anniversary, Naito Toyomasa Neil Davey
  • On the Continent Hugues Vuillefroy de Silly
  • Book Review – Gazu Hyakkachō and Inrō
    (Pictures of 100 Birds and Matching Inro)

    Jay E. Hopkins
  • In Memoriam
    Richard Barker  |  Robert P. Goode

Lacquer inro inlaid with gold, pewter, and turquoise. Signed Toju. See page 35

Fall 2023 Issue

Volume 43, Number 3

Members click here to read online

  • INS 2024 Boston Convention - Save the Date
  • Chapters - Northern California
    Steve Koppich
  • Yōkai: Things That Go Bump in the Night … David Butsumyo
  • On the Continent Hugues Vuillefroy de Silly, with Max Rutherston
       Galerie Zacke
    Dieuwke Eijer
       Bonhams Skinner
    Ed McNiff

  • Gama Sennin - The Toad Immortal
    Christopher Beamer
  • In Memoriam

Ghost of Otsuyu from "Botan Dōrō" (The Peony Lantern). Wood netsuke. Signed Tametaka, Edo period. See page 6

Winter 2023 Issue

Volume 43, Number 4

Members click here to read online

  • President's Letter
  • Boston Convention Bulletin
  • Chapters
  • Museum News from Japan: 2023 Golden Netsuke Awards Banra Wendy Makino
  • Early Netsuke Collectors, Part III Giovanni Rimondi
  • A Most Unusual Dual Function Carving by Kokusai Milton Stratos
  • Baron Takei Morimasa, 1842–1926: The Rescuer of Thousands of Items of Japanese Heritage Elsa and Heinz Kress
  • On the Continent Max Robertson
  • Missing Netsuke

Kan’u stroking his beard, signed Atokama

The International Netsuke Society is vehemently opposed to the trafficking, trade or commerce of illegal ivory, horn or any other illegal material. We support and comply with all international laws and regulations, including but not limited to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), the Endangered Species Act, and the African Elephant Conservation Act.